Our CX Methodology

Best Practice
Initial situation
- Top 10 insurance companies
- Extensive market research – especially customer satisfaction measurements at annual intervals
- Problem: Low impact of market research due to lack of measurement frequency as well as lack of targeting accuracy and resolution of the results.
- Setting a strategic customer satisfaction target
- Workshops for the implementation of the customer journey logic
- Use previous market research to prioritise customer journeys according to relevance, frequency, market position, etc.
- Selection of 4 pilot units with 5-8 employees each
- Setup feedback system and continuous provision of results for pilot units
- 4-month monitoring of the pilot units in the form of working workshops every 2 weeks (discussion of customer feedback, especially of individual case management; application of supplementary change instruments such as critical incidents, walking through, in-depth analyses and benchmarking).
- Training of customer ambassadors in 3 separate workshop modules (peer group exchange, interpretation safety feedback results, internalisation of change methods) with final certification
Major project successes
- Rapid identification of faulty processing, immediate change of workflows, impetus for fundamental process optimisation
- Leaps and bounds in improving the dialogue skills of staff in contact with customers
- Improvement of customer satisfaction from below market average to market top within 1 ½ years
Customer-centred controlling system
One of the largest German financial services groups with a multi-brand strategy was faced with the challenge of introducing a group-wide service controlling system. The system was to provide customer-centred key figures and specific benchmarks for the individual group companies according to a uniform measurement logic. The group companies differ both by sector (insurance, building society) and by business focus (generalists and specialists) and distribution channels.
Our approach
A measuring system with three essential elements was designed:
- Existing customer survey with comprehensive open benchmarking of the most important competitors per market (annually as part of the KUBUS studies)
- Post-contact surveys for the key customer journeys with detailed process benchmarks (annually)
- Continuous short survey on the essential customer journeys
Project result
The surveys reveal both the strategic development fields and market movements, but also provide concrete input for those responsible for the process and mobilise those involved in the process. Key performance indicators were included in the target system for top and middle management. Over several years, an increase in customer satisfaction was achieved across all Group companies.
Would you like to learn more about customer experience management for car dealers, financial service providers or industrial trade? Then contact us, we transfer our methodology to your industry and develop holistic and systematic approaches and solutions.