Return-on-CX: Business Case and Driver Model NPS

Does this situation sound familiar to you?
You have the goal of increasing the customer orientation of your company. However, the resources in the company are limited. This presents you with two central challenges:
- Make the relevance of your activities clear
- Pulling the right levers
Other initiatives in the company can back their project goals with monetary effects (e.g. cost reduction, saving capacities, increasing turnover). This gives you a structural advantage in decision-making processes over a soft target like increasing customer satisfaction.
With the Business Case Customer Experience Management, we can calculate for you the monetary value of an increase in satisfaction for your company. As a result, you know what an NPS point is worth.
Using a driver model tailored to your company, we calculate which drivers have the greatest influence on the NPS. With the help of the driver model, you can prioritise based on facts. By linking the driver model and the business case, a monetary evaluation of the satisfaction effect of individual measures becomes possible. As a result, the topic of customer orientation receives the attention and resources it deserves.
Procedure for determining the ROI of a measure
Torben Tietz